I recently purchased an ONN universal remote. When I went to set it up, I noticed I needed a code to pair it with my TV. I quickly started searching for the right code so I could get set up and start watching my favorite shows.
There are many different ONN universal remote codes. The one that is right for you will depend on the TV you are pairing it with. It is important that you use the right code for your TV to ensure proper pairing.
This guide will provide an extensive list of all of the ONN universal remote codes. You can use this information to ensure that you can properly pair your remote with your TV.
How To Setup ONN Universal Remote Using Code
To setup your ONN universal remote, follow the steps provided below:
1. Point your ONN universal TV remote at your TV.
2. Press the Setup button.
3. Enter the code that applies to your TV and remote control.
4. If the code was correct, a light will blink 4 times to indicate a successful pairing.
INTERESTING READ: RCA Universal Remote Codes
ONN Universal Remote Codes List
5104 | |
Accurian | 5126, 5196 |
Accuscan | 5027, 5129 |
Acme | 5043 |
Action | 5018, 5049, 5065, 5075 |
ADA | 5046 |
ADC | 5037, 5214 |
Admiral | 5027, 5028, 5060, 5065, 5074 |
Advantz | 5012 |
Advent | 5025, 5131, 5156, 5214 |
Adventura | 5232 |
Adventuri | 5179 |
Agna | 5214 |
Aiko | 5083 |
Aiwa | 5173, 5264, 5265 |
Akai | 5018, 5048, 5057, 5058, 5076, 5081 |
Alaron | 5043, 5074 |
Alba | 5001 |
Albatron | 5065 |
Alfide | 5057, 5058 |
Alleron | 5018, 5043, 5244 |
Amark | 5006, 5027, 5065 |
Ambassador | 5110, 5214 |
America Action | 5028 |
American High | 5081, 5179 |
Amstrad | 5091, 5110 |
Amtron | 5028, 5179 |
Anam | 5028 |
Anamnational | 5028, 5068, 5071, 5262 |
Aomni | 5204 |
Apex | 5116, 5130, 5142 |
Apple TV | 5053 |
Apex Digital | 5008, 5049, 5130 |
Archer | 5065 |
Aspect | 5094 |
Astar | 5198 |
Asuka | 5001 |
Audinac | 5028 |
Audio-Technica | 5075 |
Audiovox | 5028, 5065, 5074, 5075, 5083 |
AUVIO | 5077, 5105, 5162, 5196 |
Aventura | 5091 |
Axion | 5208, 5145 |
Basicline | 5001 |
Baycrest | 5009 |
Baysonic | 5028 |
Beaumark | 5018, 5074, 5075 |
Belcor | 5018, 5075 , 5095 |
Bell&Howell | 5074, 5084, 5090 |
BenQ | 5029, 5115, 5182 |
Bluesky | 5152, 5278 |
Bradford | 5028 |
Brockwood | 5018, 5075, 5095 |
Broksonic | 5011, 5028, 5060, 5065 |
Brokwood | 5095 |
BUSH | 5147 |
Candle | 5009, 5018, 5095, 5232 |
Capehart | 5018, 5065, 5075, 5083, 5289 |
Carnivale | 5018 |
Carver | 5043, 5090 |
CCE | 5190 |
Celea | 5201 |
Celebrity | 5048, 5179 |
Celera | 5201 |
Centrios | 5021 |
Centurion | 5095 |
Cetronic | 5071 |
Changhong | 5008, 5180, 5201 |
Cinego | 5121 |
Cineral | 5083, 5152 |
Citek | 5027, 5129 |
Citizen | 5006, 5009, 5012, 5018, 5028 |
Civet | 5049 |
Clairtone | 5049 |
Clarion | 5028 |
Classic | 5018, 5071, 5075 |
COBY | 5183, 5261, 5284 |
Color voice | 5043 |
Coloryme | 5018, 5027, 5043, 5075, 5081 |
Colt | 5075 |
Commercialsolutions | 5027, 5129 |
Concerto | 5095 |
Conic | 5075 |
Concierge | 5291 |
Contec | 5014, 5028, 5049, 5071 |
Cornea | 5075 |
Craig | 5012, 5028, 5071, 5074, 5091 |
Crosley | 5018, 5028, 5090, 5091 |
Crown | 5028, 5057, 5058 |
Crownmustang | 5057, 5058 |
CTX | 5065 |
CurtisMathes | 5018, 5027, 5028, 5050 |
CXC | 5028, 5071 |
Cybervision | 5152 |
Daewoo | 5006, 5019, 5020, 5040, 5043 |
Dayton | 5075, 5083 , 5095 |
Daytron | 5018, 5083, 5095 |
Dell | 5075, 5146, 5190 |
Denon | 5002, 5076 |
Denstar | 5028 |
Diamond Vision | 5035, 5167 |
Digimate | 5243 |
Digistar | 5025, 5123, 5124, 5130, 5219 |
Digital Lifestyles | 5051 |
Digital Stream | 5153 |
Dimensia | 5129 |
Disney | 5060, 5089 |
Dukane | 5094 |
Dumont | 5028, 5075, 5095, 5288, 5291 |
Durabrand | 5023, 5028, 5060, 5065 |
Dwin | 5084, 5129 |
Dynasty | 5071 |
Dynex | 5077 |
Eaton | 5081 |
Electroband | 5048, 5049, 5179 |
Electrograph | 5114 |
Electrohome | 5014, 5018, 5046, 5049 |
Elektra | 5288 |
Elite | 5001 |
Emerald | 5075, 5110 |
Emerson | 5011, 5012, 5027, 5028, 5040 |
Envision | 5018, 5075, 5095, 5127 , 5192 |
ESA | 5091, 5266 |
Fisher | 5014, 5087, 5090, 5179, 5247 |
Fortress | 5084 |
Fujitsu | 5009, 5074, 5135, 5244 |
Funai | 5028, 5071, 5074, 5091, 5117 |
Futuretec | 5028, 5071 |
Futuretech | 5028 |
Gateway | 5114, 5115, 5246 |
GE | 5004, 5007, 5012, 5018, 5027, 5033 |
Gemini | 5027, 5095, 5129 |
Gibralter | 5018, 5075, 5095, 5179 , 5291 |
Go Video | 5118 |
Go Vision | 5208 |
GoldStar | 5014, 5018, 5022, 5027, 5075 |
Goodmans | 5013 |
GPX | 5074 |
Gradiente | 5023, 5025, 5043 |
Grandtec | 5092 |
Granprix | 5074 |
Grundig | 5057, 5058, 5100 |
Grundy | 5028, 5074, 5244 |
Grunpy | 5028, 5074 |
Guestvision | 5267 |
Gvision | 5230 |
Haier | 5111, 5115, 5130, 5211, 5255 |
Hallmark | .5011, 5028, 5074, 5075, 5095 |
Hannspree | 5113 |
Harman/Kardon | 5090 |
Harvard | 5028 |
Hauppauge | 5207 |
Havermy | 5084 |
Helios | 5174 |
HewlettP-ackard | 5093 |
Hikone | 5001 |
Himitsu | 5028, 5131 |
Hisense | 5188, 5130, 5245 |
Hitachi | 5014, 5027, 5049, 5055 |
ILO | 5059, 5210, 5220, 5234, 5266 |
IMA | 5011, 5028, 5074, 5075 |
InFocus | 5129 |
Infinity | 5090 |
Initial | 5059, 5234 |
Insignia | 5025, 5060, 5066, 5070, 5077 |
Integra | 5043 |
Inteq | 5076, 5291 |
Janeil | 5232 |
JBL | 5090 |
JCPenney | 5007, 5009, 5014, 5033 |
JCB | 5048, 5179 |
Jensen | 5095, 5122, 5131, 5214 |
JIL | 5018, 5075 |
Jutan | 5018, 5075 |
JVC | 5014, 5018, 5055, 5090, 5099 |
Kamp | 5028, 5049, 5075 |
Kawasho | 5018, 5048, 5049 , 5075, 5095 |
Kaypani | 5289 |
KEC | 5028, 5081 |
KEC0041 | 5028 |
Kenwood | 5018, 5028, 5075 , 5095 |
KLH | 5008, 5028, 5201 |
Kloss | 5018, 5285 |
Kloss Novabeam | 5232, 5290 |
KMC | 5065 |
Kogi | 5230 |
Konka | 5001, 5028, 5047, 5066 |
Kurazai | 5288 |
Lark | 5247 |
Lasonic | 5167 |
Legend | 5025 |
LG | 5014, 5015, 5018, 5022, 5065, 5075 |
Liquidvideo | 5021, 5208 |
Lloyd’s | 5011, 5018, 5028 |
Lodgenet | 5129, 5268, 5288 |
Loewe | 5085, 5090, 5102 |
Logik | 5011, 5028, 5074, 5095, 5129, 5288 |
Luce | 5217 |
Luxman | 5095 |
Lxi | 5006, 5007, 5008, 5018, 5027, 5050 |
Macy | 5009, 5247 |
Magnasonic | 5008, 5018, 5065, 5074 |
Magnavox | 5006, 5009, 5012, 5018 |
Majestic | 5129, 5288 |
Marantz | 5018, 5043, 5086 , 5090, 5095 |
Matsui | 5095, 5110 |
Matsushita | 5056, 5079 |
Maxent | 5114, 5115, 5246 |
Medion | 5089, 5220 |
Megapower | 5065 |
Megatron | 5027, 5065, 5075, 5076 |
Mei | 5049 |
Memorex | 5018, 5028, 5060, 5074 |
MGA | 5014, 5018, 5046, 5055 |
MGN Technology | 5075 |
Microgenius | 5214 |
Midland | 5027, 5050, 5075, 5079 |
Mintek | 5059 |
Minutz | 5007 |
Mitsubishi | 5018, 5024, 5046, 5055 |
Monivision | 5039, 5065 |
Montgomery Ward | 5129, 5288 |
Moteva | 5247 |
Motorola | 5065, 5079, 5084, 5090, 5214 |
MTC | 5012, 5018, 5028 , 5049, 5075 |
Multitech | 5028, 5074 |
Multivision | 5036 |
Myron&Davis | 5174 |
Net TV | 5114, 5246 |
Newtech | 5095 |
Nexxtech | 5123, 5223 |
Nikei | 5071 |
Nikko | 5018, 5075, 5083 , 5095 |
Nikkodo | 5018, 5075, 5083 |
Niko | 5277 |
Nishi | 5018 |
Norcent | 5130, 5248, 5249 |
NTC | 5083 |
Nyon | 5179 |
Olevia | 5095, 5260, 5274, 5276 |
Oncommand | 5267 |
Onking | 5071 |
Onwa | 5028, 5071 |
Optimus | 5018, 5028, 5056, 5075 |
Optoma | 5113, 5221 |
Optonica | 5056, 5065, 5084, 5088 |
Orion | 5011, 5028, 5060, 5062, 5074 |
Pace | 5075, 5083 |
Palsonic | 5131 |
Panasonic National | 5008, 5011 |
Panda | 5100 |
Pausa | 5074 |
Paxonic | 5018, 5075, 5081 |
PCE | 5008, 5074, 5081 |
Penney | 5007, 5008, 5018, 5027, 5056 |
Philco | 5006, 5009, 5018, 5047, 5055 |
Philips | 5009, 5017, 5018, 5033, 5034 |
Philips Magnavox | 5090 |
Pilot | 5018, 5075, 5079, 5081 , 5095 |
Pioneer | 5032, 5043, 5095, 5104, 5172, 5224 |
PIVA | 5225 |
Planar | 5231 |
Polaroid | 5070, 5122, 5174, 5186 |
Portland | 5065, 5075, 5083 , 5095, 5214 |
Precision | 5011, 5012, 5028, 5049, 5110 |
Price Club | 5149 |
Prima | 5025, 5123, 5124, 5131, 5214, 5219 |
Princeton | 5065 |
Princeton Graphics- | 5065 |
Prism | 5056, 5079 |
Proscan | 5027, 5050, 5064, 5119 |
Proton | 5030, 5065, 5075, 5095 |
Protron | 5243 |
Proview | 5095, 5186 |
Pulsar | 5075 , 5083, 5095, 5288, 5291 |
Pulser | 5075, 5083 |
Quartz | 5075, 5214 |
Quasar | 5056, 5079, 5088, 5090 |
Rabbit | 5027, 5129 |
RadioShack | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5028 |
RCA | 5004, 5007, 5019, 5027, 5046 |
Realistic | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5028 |
Replay TV | 5096 |
Rhapsody | 5049 |
Road Authority | 5012 |
Runco | 5018, 5038, 5043, 5081 |
Sampo | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5095 |
Samsung | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5031 |
Samsux | 5095, 5149 |
Samtron | 5149 |
Sanky | 5018, 5075, 5081 |
Sansui | 5018, 5060, 5075, 5081 |
Santeca | 5254 |
Sanyo | 5005, 5014, 5027, 5060, 5073 |
Sceptre | 5116, 5150 |
Scimitsu | 5075 |
Scotch | 5075 , 5095 |
Scott | 5011, 5018, 5028, 5062, 5067 |
Sears | 5006, 5007, 5008, 5014, 5018 |
Seimitsu | 5075 |
Selectron | 5130, 5194, 5195, 5217 |
Semp | 5189 |
Sharp | 5010, 5028, 5045, 5065, 5074 |
Shengchia | 5084 |
Shivaki | 5075 |
Shogun | 5075 , 5095 |
Siemens | 5076 |
Signature | 5018, 5027, 5074, 5084 |
Silver | 5075 |
Simpson | 5009, 5018, 5075 |
Singer | 5081, 5083 |
Skyworth | 5194, 5195 |
Solardrape | 5179 |
Sole | 5127 |
Sonic | 5049 |
Sony | 5048, 5117, 5150, 5179, 5197 |
Soundesign | 5009, 5028, 5071, 5074 |
Sova | 5229, 5281 |
Soyo | 5108, 5279, 5280 |
Spectra | 5167 |
Spectravision | 5008, 5009, 5074, 5075 |
Spectricon | 5065 |
Squareview | 091, 5266 |
SR1740 | 091, 5247 |
SSS | 028, 5071, 5075 , 5095 |
Standard Components | 5001 |
Star Sight | 5292 |
Starlite | 011, 5028, 5075 |
Sunbrite | 5276 |
Superscan | 084, 5140 |
Supersonic | 5228 |
Supra | 5095 |
Supremacy | 009, 5232 |
Supreme | 048, 5179 |
SV1740 | 5090 |
SV2000 | 5090 |
SVA | 5130, 5174 |
Sylvania | 5006, 5009, 5017, 5018, 5027 |
Symphonic | 5028, 5067, 5074, 5075 |
Syntax | 5095, 5260, 5274 |
Tandy | 5001, 5065, 5084, 5088 |
Tatung | 5065, 5079, 5115, 5179, 5220 |
Teac | 5012, 5087, 5100, 5247 |
Technics | 5056, 5079, 5090 |
Technisat | 5195 |
Technol Ace | 5074 |
Technovox | 5018 |
Techwood | .5056, 5065, 5079, 5081 , 5095 |
Teknika | 5009, 5014, 5028, 5060, 5071 |
Telefunken | 5095 |
Telerent | 5129, 5288 |
Teleton | 5009 |
Tera | 5095, 5166 |
Tevion | 5220 |
Thomas | 5027, 5075, 5095, 5117, 5129 |
Thomson | 5027, 5129 |
TMK | 5011, 5028, 5075, 5095, 5110 |
Tocom | 5008 |
Tomashi | 5012 |
Toshiba | 5008, 5014, 5043, 5055, 5056 |
Tosonic | 5049 |
Totevision | 5079 |
Toyomenka | 5075 |
Truetone | 5056, 5079 |
Trutech | 5222, 5283 |
TVS | 5060 |
Uher | 5075 |
Ultra | 5075, 5083 |
Universal | 5007, 5027, 5033, 5129 |
Universum | 5043, 5110 |
V- | -5114, 5115, 5140, 5143 |
Venturer | 5098 |
Vidtech | 5075 , 5095, 5214 |
ViewSonic | 5114, 5139, 5140, 5143 |
Viking | 5232 |
Viore | 5082, 5159, 5206, 5218 |
Vivtor | 5251 |
Visio | .5114, 5115, 5140, 5143 |
Vizio | 5075, 5115, 5140, |
Vector Research | 5018 |
Victor | 5239 |
Vidikron | 5090 |
Vidtech | 5075 |
Viking | 5081 |
Wards | 5006, 5007, 5009, 5011, 5018 |
Waycon | 5008 |
Welton | 5075 |
Westinghouse | 5003, 5116, 5143, 5179 |
White-Westinghouse | 5011, 5019, 5060 |
World | 5011, 5028, 5060 |
XR | 0680 5028, 5074, 5091, 5247 |
Yamaha | 5018, 5075, 5095, 5132 , 5214 |
Yorx | 5018 |
Zenith | 5018, 5023, 5027, 5040, 5060 |
Zonda | 5065, 5131 |
Final Thoughts
ONN Universal remote codes provide a quick and easy way to pair a remote with your TV. As long as you have your TV’s model number, you can use that to find the code that applies to pair your devices. Once you have found the proper code, the process to pair your remote is simple.
It will only take a few minutes to setup your remote and have you watching your favorite movies and shows again in no time.