How To Print Screen on One Monitor

Dual monitors are a lifesaver for everyone from medical professionals and office workers to dedicated gamers. You get to take in much more information at once and multitask like never before with dual monitors. Understandably, even the most seasoned PC users struggle with how to print one screen monitor.

You can print one screen monitor with a snipping tool such as Snip & Stretch. Move your cursor to the screen you want to print, press Ctrl and Prt Scr to capture the monitor, and save the image to your dashboard. Open your photo album and edit the image or send it to your printer.

Windows 11 makes it easier than ever to print one screen monitor with just the CTRL, ALT, and Prt Scr keys. Always make sure that your cursor is on the screen that you want to

How Do I Print Only One Screen On Dual Monitors?

You can print one screen monitor if you have dual monitors using nearly every PC or Mac. Most computers come with a snipping tool that you can use to capture, edit, and print images from either monitor. Otherwise, you can always download one of many countless snipping tools that are available online.

Options such as Movavi Screen Recorder, PicPick, and ScreenRec are among the most popular online snipping tools. However, you don’t even need to use a snipping tool if you have a PC or Mac that came out within the last 5 years in most cases. Let’s take a look at how to print one screen monitor when you have dual monitors.

Snipping Tool

Most computers come with a snipping tool of some sort, but Windows has one of the best. The Windows snipping tool is available in nearly every version of Windows. It gets better with each generation of software, and it’s one of the easiest ways to print one screen monitor. However, there are nearly 100 snipping tools worth using aside from Windows, and they are even available for Mac users.

Press the Windows button or search bar on the bottom left side of your keyboard and search “snipping”. Click on the program to launch it and pull up your options. Scroll through the functions and look for a tab that says “Mode”, then select “Rectangular Snip”.

Now, minimize the snipping tool window and move your cursor to the screen that you want to print. Drag your cursor across the screen to create a rectangular shape with your mouse. Make sure to encompass all of the screen that you need to capture. Now, the image that you cropped will appear in the snipping tool program and you can print it.

Ctrl + Prt Scr

The easiest way to print one screen monitor is to press Ctrl and Prt Scr. This is the traditional way to capture your whole screen if you only have one monitor. However, this method will work even if you have dual monitors.

You simply need to make sure that your cursor is on the right screen, or else you will print the screen from the other monitor. Move your cursor to the screen that you want to print. Try to move the cursor to a spot that isn’t distracting if you don’t want to see it prominently in your screenshot.

Now, press Ctrl and Prt Scr to capture the image from the monitor. The image will appear on your dashboard where you can edit it, share it with others, or send it to a printer. In some cases, both screens may appear in your dashboard and saved photos. You can edit the image to crop out the other monitor’s screen in that instance.

Snip & Sketch

Snip & Sketch is a Windows-exclusive snipping tool that you can use to print one screen monitor. It is a useful program if you have dual monitors and you can save a screenshot in just one moment. The best part of this program is that you don’t have to rely on dragging your cursor to highlight the screen that you want to print.

Modern computers with Windows 11 come with an easy shortcut that lets you capture the image on your screen. The image will appear in your folder of pictures on your computer that you can access at any time. Drag your cursor over to the monitor that you want to capture.

Once your cursor is there, press the Windows, Shift, and S keys simultaneously. This will capture the image on the monitor of your choice and save it to your photo folder. Now, open your photo folder, select the image that you captured, and print it.

Windows 11

It is quite easy to print one screen monitor if your computer has Windows 11. You can print one screen monitor with previous versions of Windows as well. With that said, Windows 11 has become the standard and it’s easier to do most tasks with this version. Let’s take a look at how you can print one screen monitor if you have Windows 11.

Select Your Screen

The first step is to select which screen monitor you want to print. Unfortunately, the standard way of holding the Windows and print screen buttons doesn’t work as intended with dual monitors. Doing this will capture the contents of each screen, so you would need to edit the screen grab afterward.

Luckily, it’s easy to select which screen monitor you want to print using only your mouse. Move your mouse until the cursor is the screen that you want to print.

Take The Screenshot

Now, you must take the screenshot from the monitor that you selected to continue the process. Keep your cursor on the screen that you wish to print. Press the CTRL and ALT buttons together, then press Prt Scr to capture the screenshot.

A window should appear on your scream to confirm that you just successfully screenshotted the image. Click on the window to enlarge the image, then copy it to your dashboard.

Save The Image

Now, you need to add the image to a program such as Microsoft Paint to save it. You can also edit the image as much as you want within Microsoft Paint. This comes in handy if you want to exclude private information from the image that may have been on the screen at the time.

All that you need to do is press Ctrl and Save when you are happy with the image. The image will appear in the folder with all of your saved images. You can print the image at any time once it is in your folder of saved photos as long as it’s connected to a printer.

Email the image to yourself or someone else so you can print it at your convenience if you don’t have a printer at home. Otherwise, you can download the image onto a thumb drive to use the next time that you can access a printer.

How To Screenshot Second Monitor Mac

It can be confusing to print one screen monitor on a Mac with dual monitors. While it is less obvious than with a PC, it shouldn’t take you more than a minute. First, you need to make sure that the screen is on the page that you want to print and that your cursor is on that monitor.

Now, you need to press CMD, shift, and 4 at the same time to change your cursor. Your cursor will now act as a tool to let you highlight which monitor you need to capture. Move your cursor to the one screen monitor that you want to print and highlight it.

The image of everything on the screen monitor will now appear in you’re your files and saved photos. Open your files to access the image of the screen and edit or print it. You can also send the image to someone or to another location to print it there.

How Do I Take a Screenshot Of Only Part Of The Screen?

It is easy to take a screenshot of only part of the screen if you have Windows 10 or 11. Press the Windows key on the lower left side of your keyboard, then press Shift, and S. This will automatically enable the Rectangular Snip feature that lets you isolate a small section of your screen. However, you can manually change the cursor mode to a shape that best suits the part of your screen you need to capture.

Now, carefully move your cursor to the monitor that you want to print from. Don’t click on your mouse until you settle your cursor in the area of the screen that you want to screenshot. Click your mouse when you reach your starting point and drag your cursor across the part of the screen that you want to highlight.

This may take a moment as you will likely need to maneuver your cursor to cover the area of the screen that you want to save. You can switch to “free form mode” to have more freedom of the shape that you want to capture on the monitor. Let go of the cursor and save your image so that you can print it or share it with others. You don’t have to manually save the image as it will appear in your clipboard right away.

So, What’s The Best Way To Print One Screen Monitor?

The best way to print one screen monitor is to use Windows Snip & Sketch. You can either use your cursor to highlight the part of the screen that you want to print or use the shortcut. The shortcut is the easiest method, and all that you need to do is press Windows, Shift, and S to screenshot.

You can also press Ctrl, Alt, and Prt Scr to print one screen monitor. From there, you can paste the image from your dashboard into a program such as Microsoft Paint. This will let you edit and refine the image before you print it or send it to someone else. Otherwise, Windows users can manually print one section of their screen monitor by pressing Windows, Shift, and S.